Friday, January 26, 2018

Losing Weight Sucks...

As long as I can remember, I have always had an issue with my weight. 

Before I got pregnant with my first kid, I was bottom heavy aka big butt but at the most i weighed 150 lbs.  To American standards tho being 5'2" and 150 lbs, it was deemed over weight.

By the time I had my second kid, I was in a bad relationship so I ended up not caring about my weight or my looks.  It wasn't til I left my first husband that I decided to check my weight and when I stepped on that scale, I broke into tears to see the digital screen showing 220 lbs.  I realized how bad it was for having all that weight on my small frame.

It wasn't til I met my friend, Nick Snider, that I started watching what I was eating.  Nick has given me a few diets to try out to see what would work for me and we realized that a low carb high protein works for the best.  Sadly I only stick to that diet for a week (was not working out at all during that time) but I dropped down from 220 to 195 lbs!

That had happen close to a year ago and now I want to get to my goal weight of 150 lbs.  I am committing back to the no carb high protein diet, drinking water (tho only having one cup of coffee with no sugar), and adding in walking to my exercise. 

I have even found google play apps that will keep me wanting to walk like Walk for a Dog, an app that the more you walk to the more the app will donate to a shelter of your choice and if you don't have a dog some of the shelters are looking for volunteers to walk some of their dogs which is a good way to see if a dog that you are walking is the dog for you!  Another app to use is Sweatcoin which you earn coins the more steps you take and trade in for some of the stuff they carry in their store!

There are so many things now to help out losing weight these days and I hope I can keep updating my weight loss journey not only here but also on my youtube channel.  Please follow me on there :

Til Next Time HellCats!

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